Accounting for goodwill (2024)

In the FR exam, this can be worth many marks and contain many forms of adjustment. Each of these lines will be looked at in turn for the major elements which need to be included.

1. Consideration paid

The consideration paid for a subsidiary can take many forms. The common situations arising in the FR exam are that the parent pays for the subsidiary in cash immediately, in cash payable in the future (deferred consideration), in cash payable in the future but where that payment is dependent on certain events (contingent consideration), or through an issue of its own shares to the original shareholders of the subsidiary. In addition to this, candidates will need to know the correct treatment for professional fees incurred as part of the acquisition.

Cash consideration
This is the simplest amount of consideration and represents the cash already paid by the parent as part of the acquisition. You will be told this and it will usually be included in the ‘investments’ line of the parent’s statement of financial position and simply needs to be moved into the goodwill calculation.

Deferred consideration
This is cash payable in the future and needs to be recognised initially at present value. For the FR exam, if the amount is payable in one year, the candidate will be given a discount rate (%) and be asked to calculate this. If the amount is payable in more than one year, the candidate will be given a discount factor as a decimal. The key is to initially recognise the amount payable at present value in goodwill and as a liability.

As time elapses, the discount on the liability must be unwound as the payable date approaches. The unwinding of the discount on the liability is done by increasing the liability and recording a finance cost. A key thing to note here is that goodwill is unaffected, as goodwill is only calculated at the date control is gained.

Laldi Co acquired control of Bidle Co on 31 March 20X6, Laldi Co’s year end. The purchase consideration included $200,000 payable on 31 March 20X7. An appropriate discount rate for use is 6%.

Calculate the amount of deferred consideration to be recognised at 31 March 20X6 and explain how the unwinding of any discount should be accounted for.

The goodwill calculation would include deferred consideration of $188,679 being $200,000 x 1/1.061. This would also be included in the consolidated statement of financial position at 31 March 20X6 as a current liability.

In the year ended 31 March 20X7, this discount of $11,321 ($188,679 x 6%) would then be unwound and recorded as a finance cost in the statement of profit or loss. The full liability of $200,000 would be settled on 31 March 20X7, consisting of the $188,679 originally recognised plus the $11,321 of finance costs.

Contingent consideration
In the FR exam, this will take the form of a future cash amount payable dependent on a set of circ*mstances. In accordance with IFRS 3, this must be recognised initially at fair value (which will be given in the exam). This fair value is added to the consideration as part of the goodwill calculation and recognised as a provision in liabilities in the consolidated statement of financial position.

Any subsequent movement in the potential amount payable is treated like a movement in a provision under IAS 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets. Any increase or decrease in the amount payable is reflected in the liability and recorded in the parent’s statement of profit or loss. Again, it is key to note that the initial calculation of goodwill is unaffected as this is calculated on the date control is gained.

Share consideration
This is a tricky calculation but is common in the FR exam. It is likely that this amount will not yet have been recorded, testing the candidate’s knowledge of how the transaction is to be recorded. To do this, a candidate needs to work out how many shares the parent company has issued to the previous shareholders (owners) of the subsidiary as part of the acquisition. To work out the value given to the previous owners, the number of shares issued is multiplied by the parent’s share price at the date of acquisition. This full amount is then added to the consideration paid total. The amount then also needs to be added to the parent’s share capital and other components of equity (share premium) to reflect the shares issued (see Example 3 later in the article).

Acquisition costs
All acquisition costs, such as professional fees (legal fees, accountant fees etc), must be expensed in the statement of profit or loss and not included in the calculation of goodwill. Often in the FR exam this will have been recorded incorrectly, perhaps included in the statement of financial position as part of the cost of investments, and you need to make a correcting adjustment.

2. Non-controlling interest

Under IFRS 3, the parent can choose to measure any non-controlling interest at either fair value or the proportionate share of net assets.

There are two potential ways that the fair value method will arise in the FR exam. The fair value of the non-controlling interest at acquisition may be directly given to candidates, or they may have to calculate the fair value by reference to the subsidiary’s share price. To do this, the candidate will simply have to multiply the number of shares held by the non-controlling interest by the subsidiary’s share price at the date of acquisition.

Under the proportionate share of net assets method, the value of the non-controlling interest is simpler to calculate. This is done by calculating the net assets of the subsidiary at acquisition and multiplying this by the percentage owned by the non-controlling interest.

Under the fair value method, the non-controlling interest at acquisition will be higher, meaning that the goodwill figure is higher. This is because including the non-controlling interest at fair value incorporates an element of goodwill attributable to them. Under this method the goodwill figure therefore includes elements of goodwill from both the parent and the non-controlling interest.

Including the non-controlling interest at the proportionate share of the net assets is really reflecting the lowest possible amount that can be attributed to the non-controlling interest. This method shows how much they would be due if the subsidiary company were to be closed down and all the assets sold off, incorporating no goodwill in relation to the non-controlling interest. Under the proportionate method, the goodwill figure is therefore smaller as it only includes the goodwill attributable to the parent.

3.Net assets at acquisition

At the date of acquisition, the parent company must recognise the assets and liabilities of the subsidiary at fair value. This can lead to a number of potential adjustments to the subsidiary’s assets and liabilities.

The most common situations in the FR exam are outlined below:

  • Tangible non-current assets – These will be held at carrying amount in the subsidiary’s financial statements but will need to remeasured to fair value in the consolidated statement of financial position. This will result in an increase to property, plant and equipment. Instead of recording a revaluation surplus, it will actually result in a decrease to goodwill (being the difference between the consideration paid and the net assets acquired in the subsidiary).
  • Intangible assets – The subsidiary may have internally generated intangible assets, such as an internally generated brand, which do not meet the recognition criteria of IAS 38 Intangible Assets. While these cannot be capitalised in the subsidiary’s individual financial statements, they must be recognised in the consolidated statement of financial position. This will result in an increase in intangible assets with a corresponding decrease in goodwill.
  • Inventory – The subsidiary must hold any inventory at the lower of cost and net realisable value, but this must be reflected in the consolidated statement of financial position at fair value. This will result in an increase to inventory and a decrease in goodwill.
  • Contingent liabilities – These will simply be disclosure notes in the financial statements of the subsidiary, relating to potential future liabilities that do not have a probable outflow of resources embodying economic benefits. In the consolidated statement of financial position these must be recognised as liabilities at fair value if there is a present obligation and it can be reliably measured. This will increase liabilities in the consolidated statement of financial position and actually increase goodwill (as the net assets of the subsidiary at acquisition will be reduced).

4.Impairment of goodwill

The final element to consider is the impairment of goodwill. Impairment arises after the acquisition and reflects some form of decline in the expected benefit to be derived from the subsidiary. As mentioned earlier, there is no amortisation of this figure, so the parent must assess each year whether there are indicators that the goodwill is impaired.

There are many indicators of impairment, ranging from loss of customers in the subsidiary to the departure of key staff or changes in technology. If an entity decides that the goodwill is impaired, it must be written down to its recoverable amount. Once goodwill is impaired, the impairment cannot be reversed.

The cumulative impairment is always deducted in full from the goodwill figure in the statement of financial position. If the non-controlling interest is recorded at fair value, then a percentage of impairment will be allocated to them (based on the percentage owned in the subsidiary), with the remainder being allocated to the group. If the non-controlling interest is held at the proportionate method, then the entire impairment is allocated to the group due to the fact that no goodwill has been attributed to the non-controlling interest.

Fifer Co acquired 80% of the equity shares of Grampian Co on 1 January 20X4 for $5,000,000. The fair value of Grampian Co’s net assets at the date of acquisition was $4,000,000.

At 31 December 20X4, Fifer Co has determined that goodwill is impaired by 10%.

For each of the following scenarios, calculate the value of goodwill at 31 December 20X4 and explain how the impairment loss would be allocated between the group and non-controlling interest:

  1. Non-controlling interest is valued at its fair value of $1,000,000; and
  2. Non-controlling interest is valued as a proportionate share of net assets.


1. Fair value method

Accounting for goodwill (2024)


Accounting for goodwill? ›

Items included in goodwill are proprietary or intellectual property and brand recognition, which are not easily quantifiable. Goodwill is calculated by taking the purchase price of a company and subtracting the difference between the fair market value of the assets and liabilities.

What is the accounting entry for goodwill? ›

To record goodwill on a balance sheet, the acquirer must list it as an intangible asset under the “Assets” section. For example, if Company A acquires Company B for $500,000 and the fair market value of Company B's net identifiable assets is $400,000, the goodwill would be calculated as $500,000 - $400,000 = $100,000.

How is goodwill treated in GAAP? ›

Under GAAP (“book”) accounting, goodwill is not amortized but rather tested annually for impairment regardless of whether the acquisition is an asset/338 or stock sale. A caveat is that under GAAP, goodwill amortization is permissible for private companies.

What is the accounting standard for goodwill? ›

Under IFRS 3, Business Combinations, goodwill is an asset representing the future economic benefits arising from other assets acquired in a business combination that are not individually identified and separately recognised. Goodwill is not amortised but must be tested annually for impairment.

Is goodwill expensed or capitalized? ›

Goodwill is generally recognized as a capitalized unidentifiable intangible asset on a company's balance sheet from the acquisition of another companies net identifiable assets.

How do I write off a goodwill journal entry? ›

When goodwill already appears in the books and is written off, we debit the partner's capital account and credit the goodwill account in their old ratio.

How to record goodwill in QuickBooks? ›

Accounting for business goodwill in your books requires that you subtract the fair market value of tangible assets from the total worth of the business. Goodwill is, therefore, equal to the cost of acquisition minus the value of net assets.

What is the double entry for goodwill? ›

The double entry for this is therefore to debit the full market value to the goodwill calculation, credit the share capital figure in the consolidated statement of financial position with the nominal amount and to take the excess to share premium/other components of equity, also in the consolidated statement of ...

Is goodwill amortized over 10 or 15 years? ›

In 2001, a legal decision prohibited the amortization of goodwill as an intangible asset; however, in 2014, parts of this ruling were rolled back. Now, private companies can elect to amortize goodwill on a straight-line basis over 10 years, although this election is not required.

How to write off goodwill in balance sheet? ›

The goodwill account is debited with the proportionate amount and credited only to the retired/deceased partner's capital account. Thereafter, in the gaining ratio, the remaining partner's capital accounts are debited and the goodwill account is credited to write it off.

How do you amortize goodwill? ›

Goodwill becomes impaired when its fair value declines below its carrying value.” Goodwill amortization is when the cost of the goodwill of the company is expensed over a specific period. Amortization is usually conducted on a straight-line basis over a 10-year period, as directed by the accounting standards.

What is the formula for calculating goodwill? ›

Simple Average – In this process, goodwill evaluation is done by calculating the average profit by the number of years it is called years purchase. It can be calculated by using the formula. Goodwill = Average Profit x No. of years' of purchase.

How to audit goodwill? ›

Basic procedures include:

Agree any cash paid to cash book and bank statements. Review the board minutes for discussion regarding the purchase. Obtain the due diligence report prepared by the external provider and confirm the estimated fair value of net assets at acquisition. Recalculate goodwill.

How to treat goodwill in accounting? ›

Treatment of goodwill is the portion of the purchase price that is higher than the total of all assets' fair value that is purchased in liabilities and acquisition. Treatment of goodwill is carried out in the following cases: When the partners' profit-sharing ratio (PSR) is changed, goodwill will rise.

How is goodwill expensed? ›

Unlike other assets that have a discernible useful life, goodwill is not amortized or depreciated but is instead periodically tested for goodwill impairment. If the goodwill is thought to be impaired, the value of goodwill must be written off, reducing the company's earnings.

What are the three types of goodwill? ›

There are two distinct types of goodwill, namely the purchased goodwill and inherent goodwill. There are three methods used for the valuation of goodwill: Super Profits, Average Profits, and Capitalization Method.

What is double entry for goodwill? ›

The double entry for this is therefore to debit the full market value to the goodwill calculation, credit the share capital figure in the consolidated statement of financial position with the nominal amount and to take the excess to share premium/other components of equity, also in the consolidated statement of ...

Is goodwill debit or credit in accounting? ›

Goodwill is a type of an intangible fixed asset which is shown in the balance sheet under the fixed assets. Such an item will always show a debit balance as it is an asset for the business entity.

How does goodwill come on a balance sheet? ›

Goodwill only shows up on a balance sheet when two companies complete a merger or acquisition. When a company buys another firm, anything it pays above and beyond the net value of the target's identifiable assets becomes goodwill on the balance sheet.

How do you record goodwill when selling a business? ›

On your business's balance sheet, goodwill occupies its own asset line, as an entry for intangible assets and their value, explained O'Shell. Each buyer will have their own calculation for the value of goodwill in their proposed purchase price, so it's a line to take a close look at.

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.