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Percentile Dice

  • #1 Sep 14, 2020



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    When rolling a D100 percentile dice, when the D10 results in a 10 (zero side up), DNDBeyond counts it as a zero instead of a 10. That means a dice roll of 00 and 0 would result in a “0” when the lowest number possible should be 01 and highest 100 (a 90 plus 10), as indicated by every D100 chart. The only dice that can ever roll a zero is the percentile itself (00).

    Last edited by SaintTiki: Sep 14, 2020

  • #2 Sep 14, 2020



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    By common rules:

    The single digit percentile of the 2 d10 method is 0-9, but when the ten's die is 00 with a 0 single digit, the exception is 100, not 0. This maintains 1-100 and not 0-99.

    00-0 is 100, not 0.

    10-0 is 10.

    90-0 is 90.

    00-1 is 1.

    10-1 is 11.

    90-1 is 91.

    DDB follows these same rules.

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  • #3 Sep 14, 2020



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    Hmm, I guess that's one way to do it. I wouldn't call it common "rules" though since it doesn't seem to beofficially documentedandwould instead say "practice" or "technique".

  • #4 Sep 14, 2020



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    This is actually correct per the Basic Rules:

    Percentile dice, or d100, work a little differently. You generate a number between 1 and 100 by rolling the ten-sided die twice. The first roll gives the tens digit, and the second gives the ones digit. If you roll a 7 and a 1, for example, the number rolled is 71. Two 0s represent 100.

    This assumes rolling two d10s that go from 0 to 9, but works for a 0-9 d10 and a 00-90 d100. Some d10s do have 10 instead of 0, in which case you read the 10 as 0

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  • #5 Oct 5, 2020



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    Quote from SaintTiki >>

    When rolling a D100 percentile dice, when the D10 results in a 10 (zero side up), DNDBeyond counts it as a zero instead of a 10. That means a dice roll of 00 and 0 would result in a “0” when the lowest number possible should be 01 and highest 100 (a 90 plus 10), as indicated by every D100 chart. The only dice that can ever roll a zero is the percentile itself (00).

    I have to admit, I thought that was how it was done as well, with "00" and "0" being 10, not 100, and 100 being "90" and "0". But then I saw the entry in the PHB's introduction and it kinda threw me for a loop. Still trying to wrap my head around this new way of thinking. Glad to know I wasn't the only one who was wrong about how the percentile rolls worked. Fortunately, I don't think I've ever rolled a zero on either die during any of the few percentile rolls I've made, so it hasn't been an issue yet.

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  • #6 Feb 18, 2021



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    They may followthose rules but those rulesbreak logic. If I roll a d10 and it shows a zero I know that I rolled a 10 - ALWAYS - no exceptions. Percentile dice should be consistent. 1-100 only works without breaking the 0=10 rule if you always count 00 to show that the number falls between 1 and 10. So you end up adding the xx dice to the x dice...

    XX+X = result

    00+1 =1

    00+0 =10

    70+9 =79

    90+0 =100

    Just saying its the only way to be consistent and not have to do a presto-chango to not end up with a 0-99 or a 10-110 kind of scenario. :)

  • #7 Apr 7, 2021



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    Quote from PitifulDragon >>

    They may followthose rules but those rulesbreak logic. If I roll a d10 and it shows a zero I know that I rolled a 10 - ALWAYS - no exceptions. Percentile dice should be consistent. 1-100 only works without breaking the 0=10 rule if you always count 00 to show that the number falls between 1 and 10. So you end up adding the xx dice to the x dice...

    XX+X = result

    00+1 =1

    00+0 =10

    70+9 =79

    90+0 =100

    Just saying its the only way to be consistent and not have to do a presto-chango to not end up with a 0-99 or a 10-110 kind of scenario. :)

    And that is where you are incorrect with your 90+0 and 00+0 calculations because its not a calculation. When you roll % dice, the ten's dice is the two digit die (00, 10, 20, etc) and the single die (1, 2, 3, etc). Since there is no number 0 on a 1 to 10 die, and therefore no0 when you roll 00 and 0 because again you cant roll a ZERO outcome, the 00 and 0 is automatically 100, not 10 because it moves it to the other end of the scale. ITs still that 1% chance of rolling the 100. 00 on said die is much like the Ace in Blackjack. It has two numbers attached, either it is 1 point or 11 points, depending on how you combine it. Same goes with the 00 dice because while it represents the 10's on that die, if the single number D10 shows a ZERO on it, it then makes that 000 result into a 100% result, because again you cant have a 0 result.
    Which is where you are wrong with your calculations. The 00 represents the ten's, so if you roll 00, it goes back to what I said above when you roll the unit die, the single digit D10 and roll a 0 on that, turning that into 100%, anything else from 1 to 9 then just means you have rolled 01% to 09%. Which brings it to the same as 90 on the double ten's die, a 0 on the units die will make that roll 90, not 100 because you are not adding them together you are rolling them as a D100.

    Another way of thinking about it is this. A clock changes time from 23:59:59 to 00:00:00 to represent the start of a new day. The end of the last day is not 24:00:00 because no such number exists, the end of the day is at 23:59:59.999 if you want to add tenths,hundredths, and thousandths of a second into the equation.

  • #8 Jun 17, 2021



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    This is fun for me and I mean no disrespect in my response.

    I am sure that your response makes sense to you - but Math and internal logic make more sense to me. :)

    If 00 sets the range to it 1-9 (because as you say there is no zero) AND

    0 = 10 because (because as you say there is no 0) then there is absolutely no way 00 + 0 equals 100. In your logic dose 0 +90 =900 because it moves to the end of the scale. No. How about this then what does 90 + 0 equal? I mean 90 + 9 = 99 right? If there is no Zero result for the single-digit die then it must equal 100 but it can't because in your world 00 + 0 = 100. If you say the answer is 90 - then you lied about there not being a zero on the single-digit die and you create a new problem because internal logic and consistency would dictate that 00 + 0 = 00 so the percentile range is actually 00-99.

    There is no internal logic to what you are saying that would provide a 1-100 scale. You can't say that 0 = 10 unless the other dice is a 00 in which case it = 10x or +100. (oh look Magic!)

    Bottom line: The two-digit die sets the 10s placeholder while the single-digit die sets the 1's placeholder and - as you correctly pointed out - there is no zero. Therefore 00 cannot both be 100 and the placeholder that sets the results to 01-09. It breaks the internal logic. If 90 sets the 10s to 90-99 what do you do with 90 + 0 if there is not a zero, and 0 on the single-digit dice ALWAYS equals 10?

    I know it is not sexy! But the only way the math works correctly (with the dice values remaining consistent) is that 90+0 ( 0 always 10) = 100.

  • #9 Jun 17, 2021



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    Quote from PitifulDragon >>

    This is fun for me and I mean no disrespect in my response.

    I am sure that your response makes sense to you - but Math and internal logic make more sense to me. :)

    If 00 sets the range to it 1-9 (because as you say there is no zero) AND

    0 = 10 because (because as you say there is no 0) then there is absolutely no way 00 + 0 equals 100. In your logic dose 0 +90 =900 because it moves to the end of the scale. No. How about this then what does 90 + 0 equal? I mean 90 + 9 = 99 right? If there is no Zero result for the single-digit die then it must equal 100 but it can't because in your world 00 + 0 = 100. If you say the answer is 90 - then you lied about there not being a zero on the single-digit die and you create a new problem because internal logic and consistency would dictate that 00 + 0 = 00 so the percentile range is actually 00-99.

    There is no internal logic to what you are saying that would provide a 1-100 scale. You can't say that 0 = 10 unless the other dice is a 00 in which case it = 10x or +100. (oh look Magic!)

    Bottom line: The two-digit die sets the 10s placeholder while the single-digit die sets the 1's placeholder and - as you correctly pointed out - there is no zero. Therefore 00 cannot both be 100 and the placeholder that sets the results to 01-09. It breaks the internal logic. If 90 sets the 10s to 90-99 what do you do with 90 + 0 if there is not a zero, and 0 on the single-digit dice ALWAYS equals 10?

    I know it is not sexy! But the only way the math works correctly (with the dice values remaining consistent) is that 90+0 ( 0 always 10) = 100.

    However we are not talking about Math, we are talking about the rules of the game that have been around since the dawn of D10's and them bringing in the 10 number D10s so you have actual percentile dice. 00 on the 10-die means that you are rolling between 00 and 10, Your single digit die rolls the0 to 9 and it REPLACES the last digit on the ten-die, however you cant roll ZERO, therefore when you roll 00 on the ten die and 0 on the single die, you are rolling 100, NOTHING else. If people who are new to percentile die and such rolls cant understand that and try and imply something else which isnt in the rules, then make a homebrew rule, remove 100 from the equation since you cant have 100 on the 10 sided die in place of 00, and play that way never to roll 100 again.

    Oh, and if you brought the mathematics into it by trying to claim that you are adding dice into a game I play when it comes to how you are doing, I'd melt your dice. :P

  • #10 Jun 17, 2021



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    X0+Y = XY. Therefore 00+0 = 00. Because one is the tens place and the other is the ones place. Basic kindergarten match actually.

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  • #11 Jun 17, 2021



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    It's not that 00+0 = 100. It actually is equal to 0. But when D&D asks for a percentile result - it wants 1-100 not 0-99. So instead of remembering to add 1 to every result - it's just easier to say that 00+0 is a special case equalling 100 rather than 0. Like an Ace in a pack of cards - it can be a low card but it can also be a high card depending on the game.

    Last edited by Emmber: Jun 17, 2021

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  • #12 Jun 20, 2021



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    You all might enjoy this:

    Percentile dice:

    Last edited by Maltavius: Jun 20, 2021

  • #13 Aug 6, 2023



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    00 and 0 would be 10. The 0 on your d10 is not a 0 it's a 10. When you roll a d10 you don't roll between 0 and 9 you roll between 1 and 10. To get 100 using percentile die and a d10 you would need to roll a 90 and a 10 (0). You add the 10 to the 90 to get 100. 00 and 0 would be 0+10 equaling 10.

  • #14 Sep 15, 2023



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    I think this makes less internal logic because now 1/10 times my roll doesn't match what my dice show. Dice should be clear and easy to understand at a glance. A percentile die should be able to be placed text to each other and just say the number. If 0=10, the. 1/10 rolls I have to adjust what my 00 die says. Going 00+0=100 means I only have one adjustment. It makes no sense that rolling a 30 on a die can result in a number that's not 30-39

  • #15 Sep 15, 2023



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    Besides the 1/10 not being readable the only digit on a 1-100 scale where both the 10's digit and 1's digit is 0 is 100. Every other number doesn't have 0 in both those spots. That's how the logic works for me. No addition just slotting the numbers in.

    How to get your dice to look like the ones in my profile pictureand a full site dark mode.Tutorial thread by Hyrkali

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