Strongest D&D Villains, Ranked (2024)

By Amy Cowley


The world of Dungeons & Dragons is host to some of the greatest villains, but which takes the title as the strongest across the multiverses?

Strongest D&D Villains, Ranked (1)


  • Dungeons & Dragons features a variety of powerful villains, including gods, beholders, and dragons, who pose a significant threat to adventurers.
  • These villains, such as Strahd Von Zarovich and Tiamat, are not to be taken lightly and require careful preparation and strategy to defeat.
  • Some of the most formidable villains in the game include Acererak, Orcus, and Asmodeus, who possess immense power and pose a significant challenge to even the most experienced players.

Dungeons & Dragons boasts many impressive creatures, such as the brain-devouring mind flayers, fearsome dragons with deadly breath weapons, and the Beholders that hold death rather than beauty in their eyes. But alongside the entire menagerie of monsters players might encounter on their travels, there are also dangerous NPCs that are the true threat of campaigns.

Whether it is the Dread Lord Strahd Von Zarovich cursed the rule over Barovia forevermore, or the Dragon Queen Tiamat seeking to escape her prison in the Nine Hells and lay waste to Faerun, these enemies are not ones to take lightly. Adventurers must take care to prepare for these fights, or they will be doomed to join the legions that attempted to do so before in the afterlife.

Updated October 31, 2023, by Amy Cowley: The worlds of Dungeons and Dragons are vast, boasting many unique campaigns and monsters. The planar system holds numerous threats to act as the BBEG to the many campaigns players can enjoy with their friends. Even those that have not had an appearance in a campaign book for many years still deserve recognition, as homebrew D&D Dungeon Masters might want to avail themselves of them in their own world. As such, this article has been updated to shine some light on more of the powerful Dungeons and Dragons villains.


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16 Auril

Challenge Rating: 9

Strongest D&D Villains, Ranked (3)

Auril is one of the many gods in Dungeons and Dragons pantheons. Her domain is of winter and cold, and her multiple forms reflect her godly dominion. Arrogant and vain, she lacks the basic empathy needed to feel emotions such as love or honor. She takes great pride in all of her forms, and loves all things beautiful such as art or even people, encasing anything that catches her eyes in ice to preserve them.

Though Auril is not outright strong as other villains when she is first encountered, she can grow in strength in her other forms. Players might think they have vanquished her, only for her to return stronger. After all, gods cannot be slain forever.

15 Xanathar

Challenge Rating: 13

Strongest D&D Villains, Ranked (4)

Like all Beholders, Xanathar is a highly intellectual and cunning creature with 10 magical eye stalks that fire off different effects at the opposing party. These include the dreaded death ray, intergration ray, and paralysis ray. Like all bosses, Xanathar has access to legendary actions and lair actions if his is fought on his home turf, such as being able to fire off one additional eye ray, and summoning more eyes on the walls of his domain.

What sets Xanathar apart from this rest of his ilk is the bouts of paranoia and rage he succumbs to, often killing his own minions in a murderous rage or out of paranoia, suspecting them to be a spy. Xanathar is also extremely possessive of his prized pet goldfish Sylgar, and woe betide anyone foolish enough to try and take it from him.

14 Jarlaxle Baenre

Challenge Rating: 15

Strongest D&D Villains, Ranked (5)

The disgraced son of the Baenre House, Jarlaxle rose above the fates of outcast men in Drow society, forming his own band of mercenaries and giving the Houseless men a place. While this casts Jarlaxle in a heroic light, this swashbuckling mercenary doesn't act from the goodness of his heart. His goal behind the formation of Bregan D'aerthe was to create an army he could have power over, and make some easy gold be selling their services to the highest bidder.

Featured in Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, Jarlaxle is one of four possible enemies in the adventure that the party can gain. While he may not seem the most threatening from first impressions, his skill with a rapier and his agility make him a tough opponent to overcome. And what's more, with some choice words delivered by his silver tongue, adventurers might not even want to fight him.

13 Strahd Von Zarovich

Challenge Rating: 15

Strongest D&D Villains, Ranked (6)

Perhaps the most infamous of Lords in the Domains of Dread, Strahd Von Zarovich is the architect of his own misery, and is hellbent that all inhabitants and unwilling visitors share in his misfortune. Cursed to rule over the misty land Barovia, and to forever see his beloved reincarnate and die denying his advances, Strahd has centuries of baggage that he is more than happy to take out on those who try to thwart him.

With his vampiric abilities and magical spellcasting to bolster his natural strength, he poses an intimidating challenge to even seasoned adventurers. His undead nature prevents his death outside certain situations, meaning players will need to strategize in their fight against him.

12 Nintra Siotta

Challenge Rating: 16

Strongest D&D Villains, Ranked (7)

Belonging to the Gloaming Court of the fey, Nintra Siotta is an evil Archfey who served under the Queen of Air and Darkness. She has taken on many monikers to reflect her connection to royalty and her fey court, such as Princess of the Shadow Glass and Lady of Dread Omens.

She displays extreme arrogance and irreverence even towards those in charge, believing herself fit for more than slavish obedience. She believed she would ascend to more, giving her the perfect origin story for a rising villain. Though she doesn't have the meaty stat block as higher level beings or deities, she would definitely pose a challenge to mid-level adventurers, and could serve as a BBEG for a campaign that doesn't run all the way up to level 20.

11 Halastor Blackcloak

Challenge Rating: 23

Strongest D&D Villains, Ranked (8)

Halaster Blackcloak, also known as Hillather or Haalvar the Mad, is an infamous archmage with a reputation for insanity, dwelling in his lair in the Undermountain. While he remains underground, his moments of lucidity are few and far between, but he still recognizes danger and will react to preserve his life. Once a generous young mage that helped other hopefully casters, his dealings with beings from other realms stole his sanity and eventually eroded his humanity.

Now, he dwells in his Undermountain surrounded by a museum's worth of magic items, including a Ring of Protection +5, a Cloak of Eyes, and twenty flying daggers. Any adventurers hoping to plunder the magical goods, however, might have to contest with the mad mage himself.

10 Iymrith

Challenge Rating: 23

Strongest D&D Villains, Ranked (9)

Considering the name of the game is Dungeons and Dragons, it should come as no surprise that a fair few BBEGs are the winged tyrants themselves. The chromatic dragons in particular always verge on the evil side of the alignment scale. Iymrith is one such dragon, a storm of wings, scales, and deception, proved by her manipulation of Serissa, the daughter of the storm giant King Hekaton.


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Like most villains, Iymrith has lofty ambitions. Hers is to shed her physical form and ascend to godhood, and she is willing to do whatever it takes. Able to dish out massive amounts of damage while being able to soak it herself, any parties who seek to put a stop to her machinations will not find it easy, and better be prepared to fight for their lives.

9 Acererak

Challenge Rating: 23

Strongest D&D Villains, Ranked (11)

Acererak is one of the most known and feared liches in the multiverse. The extent of his power places him above other undead creatures, as he no longer needs his undead body to carry out his nefarious deeds. In the late 1480s, Acererak was responsible for the death curse after he placed an item called the Soulmonger in the tomb of the Nine Gods.

Over the many years and his travels, Acererak has gathered a number of artifacts and treasures that he likes to hide in trapped dungeons, and then watch as greedy adventurers attempt to plunder them only to fall to his machinations. With a host of powerful spells at the tips of his fingers such as Power Word Kill, Disintegrate, and Finger of Death, even high-level parties will struggle to escape a battle with him.

8 Klauth

Challenge Rating: 25

Strongest D&D Villains, Ranked (12)

Like most dragons, Klauth is a force of nature capable of laying waste to entire cities in the blink of an eye. But unlike other dragons, Klauth is the eldest dragon aside from the undead dracoliches, marking him as perhaps the most dangerous living dragon aside from the evil deity Tiamat.

Greatly evil even to his own brethren, those who know of his existence avoid his lair up in the norther valley named after the great dragon. The days he decides to leave his lair are the days everyone in the Sword Coast cowers in fear. Intelligent, cunning, and gifted with great magic, he can scry on the world to learn more about its inhabitant, meaning plucky adventurers will struggle to get the jump on him.

7 Orcus

Challenge Rating: 26

Strongest D&D Villains, Ranked (13)

The Demon Lord of Undeath, Orcus desires nothing more than to see every life ended and every source of light snuffed out until only death and darkness remain, making him a danger to life across the multiverses. With little regard for anyone other than himself and his selfish goals, even to be one of his minions can be a death sentence.

Standing at a staggering 15 feet tall, Orcus is intimidating in stature and nature. He boasts innate spellcasting, the famed magic item Wand of Orcus, and a deadly tail that can poison his enemies.Orcus is not a challenge to be taken lightly, and any parties willing to face him better hope to be prepared or risk falling prey to his fatal ambitions.

6 Zariel

Challenge Rating: 26

Strongest D&D Villains, Ranked (14)

Once an Angel of the Seven Heavens before her fall from grace, Zariel is the closest thing that D&D has to the biblical Lucifer. Her corruption led to her becoming an archdevil, falling to the Nine Hells, and rising to the ranks of the Archduke of Hell. Her overzealous nature and rage were the cause of her downfall, and are just a few of the many weapons in her infernal arsenal.


Dungeons & Dragons is plenty challenging, but these boss monsters make things tough for even the most experienced players.

Strong of arm and mind, Zariel commands armies to follow her into the fray, but she is more than capable of fighting battles alone. She has the stamina to withstand many attacks, and any damage she sustains she can regenerate, meaning Zariel could outlast an entire party in a war of attrition. With the ability to innately cast spells as well as her natural skills with weaponry, Zariel is a mighty contender for one of the strongest enemies, but the glimmer of good that remains leaves a chance for her redemption.

5 Demogorgon

Challenge Rating: 26

Strongest D&D Villains, Ranked (16)

This two-headed gargantuan creature is a staggering monster of brutal, mindless strength, and the embodiment of insanity incarnate. Though referred to as a lesser deity, the Demogorgon is not lacking in his ability to demolish entire cities before the unfortunate inhabitants can feel from the path of his destruction.

Equipped with the abilities to cast spells and paralyze or enthrall his prey with his hypnotic gaze, the Demogorgon can turn friend to foe, and make them fight his battles for him. He is known to prefer this method rather than directly engage in conflict, though if he ever does, his opposition is likely to lose. His two heads have unique personalities and reaction to situations which can lead to his downfall, as two creatures piloting one body will inevitably lead to arguments.

4 Vecna

Challenge Rating: 26

Strongest D&D Villains, Ranked (17)

This powerful and deadly Archlich has achieved mastery over magic and life itself, making him one of the most feared casters across the multiverse. With 12 spells at his disposal, a magical weapon, and the ability to teleport in such a way that he can deal damage and heal, his is definitely a force to be reckoned with, even for the most seasoned adventurers.


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Even if a party manages to best him, Vecna is a master of death, and as such does not recognize its authority. He will remain dormant as a bodiless soul for hundreds of years until finally he fashions himself a new undead body, and will once more threaten the denizens that are unfortunate enough to live in the same time as his resurrection.

3 Asmodeus

Challenge Rating: 30

Strongest D&D Villains, Ranked (19)

An infernal deity of many names, Asmodeus is one of the greatest devils in all the Nine Hells, reigning over devilkind from his throne down in Baator. He has ambitions to not only become the sole ruler of the Nine Hells, but hold dominion over all the worlds and all creatures that inhabit them. He takes part in ceaseless warfare and political intrigue in hopes that his diabolical plans will soon be realized.


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Asmodeus is more than just a beast with great strength. He is a being of extreme intelligence as well. With equal parts strength and spellcasting, Asmodeus proves to be one of the strongest, if not the strongest, devils in existence.

2 Lolth

Challenge Rating: 30

Strongest D&D Villains, Ranked (21)

The evil deity revered by the Underdark-dwelling drow, Lolth is a goddess to be feared. Not only is she an arachnophobe's nightmare, with the lower body and legs of a spider, she is of the Chaotic Evil alignment, meaning her evil actions are unpredictable. Designed to be a combination of Tiamat and fiendish gods in terms of her stat, Lolth is one BBEG to be feared.


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Even her most devout followers are eventually led to their death by her hand in one way or another, and her treatment towards those that defy her is even more horrendous. She's capricious, fickle, evil to her core, and resistant to many types of damage. Players will need intervention from a kinder god if they hope to escape her devious machinations unscathed.

1 Tiamat

Challenge Rating: 30

Strongest D&D Villains, Ranked (23)

The Five-Headed Dragon, The Goddess of Greed, Queen of Evil Dragons, or as most players refer to her as, 'oh god it's a TPK', Tiamat is the most feared and dreaded dragon of all times, her cruelty and greed knowing no bounds. While most chromatic dragons adhere to one color and gain the breath weapon and characteristic of that color, Tiamat is not so limited. She has one head for each type of chromatic dragon, and as such has the abilities of each, making her several cuts above other dragons.

Tiamat is immune to spells below 7th level and can instill her prey with terror before eviscerating them with her claws or tail. But even those able to overcome the insurmountable challenge of defeating this behemoth of destruction cannot permanently end her reign of terror. Her essence will return to her infernal prison, and it is only a matter of time before she resumes her physical form and frees herself.

Strongest D&D Villains, Ranked (24)
Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons

Original Release Date
Wizards of the Coast

E. Gary Gygax , Dave Arneson
Strongest D&D Villains, Ranked (2024)
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