The 40 smartest people of all time (2024)

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The 40 smartest people of all time (1)

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American electrochemical engineerLibb Thimstook an unorthodox approach when he set out to rank the smartest people of all time.


Thims first compiled a list of people with IQ scores over 200 as a matter of curiosity. Anything over 130 is extremely high, though it should be noted that IQ tests are a highly imprecise and controversial measure.

Later, Thims ranked everybody who hada strong aptitude, marked capacity, or heightened inclination in some area that coupled with their IQ would make them worthy of the title genius.

Not wanting to exclude any geniuses who existed before IQ tests were invented, Thims referred to IQ ratingsbased on the Cox methodology, which predicts IQ based on how much people accomplished every 10 years of their lives.Thims then adjusted the IQ scores he thought were inaccurate by reading through many of the individuals' works to check for errors.

Thims evaluated both IQ and accomplishments to rank the smartest people in history.


Of course, this list is highly subjective and at times seemingly random. Still, we found it thoughtful enoughto warrant a second look.


40. Richard "Rick" Rosner

The 40 smartest people of all time (2)

Television personality and former stripper Rick Rosner is one of the smartest living men in the world with IQ scores ranging from 140 to 250 by different measures.

He has taken more than 30 IQ tests and received the highest score ever on more than 20 of them, he told Business Insiderback in November. He considers himself particularlygood at math, physics, and "stringing words together."

He takes around 50 pills every day, including Omega 3 fish oil capsules and Metmorfin, "for health, longevity, and to make my brain work better," he said.


39. Marilyn vos Savant

The 40 smartest people of all time (3)

Born in 1946,Vos Savant has earned IQ scores ranging from 157 to 228.

Vos Savant dropped out of Washington University after two years todabble in stocks and real estate, according to Jezebel.She laterbecame a writerand marriedRobert Jarvik, the inventor of the Jarvik artificial heart.

She achieved fame when her extrapolated score of 228 (based on a childhood test) was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records in 1985.

Since 1986, she has written an "Ask Marilyn" column in Parade magazine, where she was famous for solving theMonty Hall problem.


38. Christopher Langan

The 40 smartest people of all time (4)

With an IQ reported between 174 and 210, Christopher Langan was dubbed the smartest man in Americaby Esquire Magazine.

Langan is an autodidact, meaning he is largely self-taught. He has spent much of his adult life developing aCognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe, a kind of theory of everything which he calls the CTMU.

At 6'1" and 275 pounds, Langan is an avid weightlifter andrecovering agoraphobicwho pays the billsdoing temp work as a bartender, night-club bouncer, and personal trainer.


37. Nathan Leopold

The 40 smartest people of all time (5)

Born in Chicago in 1904, Nathan Leopold was a child prodigy with an IQ of 210 who spoke his first words at 4 months old.

He was also amurderer who,along with his friend Richard Loeb, killed a 14-year-old boy while trying to commit "the perfect crime" in 1924. The crime inspired the Alfred Hitchco*ck film "Rope."

Brilliant yet socially inept, Leopold latched on to Loeb, who was good looking and popular, according to Leopold was convicted of murder and spent 33 years in prison. He died in Puerto Rico in 1971 at the age of 67.


36. Marnen Laibow-Koser

The 40 smartest people of all time (6)

After acing a childhood test,Laibow-Koserwas given a projected IQ of 268.

He is now a 39-year-old composer and web application developer living in Somerville, Massachusetts. He's a graduate student at the New England Conservatory, according to hisTwitter.


35. Ainan Cawley

The 40 smartest people of all time (7)

Ainan Cawley is a 14-year-old British prodigy with IQ scores ranging between 263-349, according to different measures.At age 9, Cawley could recite Pi to 518 decimal places, the Telegraphreported.

He lives in Singapore where he gave a science lecture about acid and alkaloids at the age of 6, passed theChemistry O level exam (meant for 16-year-olds) at 7, and enrolled inthe Singapore Polytechnic at age 8.


34. Adragon De Mello

The 40 smartest people of all time (8)

Flickr / Mike Mozart

A college graduate at the age of 11, De Mello has a projected IQ of 400.

Helargely has his father to thank — or maybe, to blame — for his early success and ambition.Consumed by the idea that his son would win a Nobel Prize by age 16, Agustin De Melloput obsessive pressure on Adragon to succeed, CBS reported in 2000.

"A lot of the dreams that people heard about, of winning a Nobel Prize and going to doctorate school, is mostly my father," Adragon told CBS. "It wasn't something I cared about doing."

As of 2003, Adragon was working for the Home Depot after training to be anestimator for a commercial painting company.


33. Michael Kearney

The 40 smartest people of all time (9)

Born in Hawaii in 1982, Kearney receiveda bachelor’s degree from the University of South Alabama at age 10. HisIQ scores range from 200 to 325 by different measures.

He was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) early on and always dreamed of becoming a game show host. By age 22, Kearney had earned four bachelor's degrees (in anthropology, computer science, geology, and chemistry)and a doctorate in chemistry, ABC reported.


32. Nadia Camukova

The 40 smartest people of all time (10)

Nadia Camukova, who has an IQ of 200, was born in Moscow in 1976. TheBrain Research Institute in Moscowreportedlater on that she had the highest IQ in the world.

Camukovacan speak seven languages (Russian, English, French, Turkish, German, Arabic, and Persian) and eight Turkish dialects.She's a professor atBahçeşehir University in Turkey.


31. Michael Grost

The 40 smartest people of all time (11)

Michael Grost, who has an IQ of 200, was only 10 years old when he started studying at Michigan State University in 1964.

He later attendedYale University and the University of Michigan, where he earned a doctorate in mathematics at age 23. As of 2005, Grost was asystem architect at a computer company in Detroit, the MSU State News reported.

Grost's interests include painting andevolutionary biology.


30. Sho Yano

The 40 smartest people of all time (12)

Sho Yano enrolled in Loyola University at age 9, graduating summa cum laude three years later, the Chicago Tribune reported. He has an IQ of 200.

Yano entered University of Chicago's prestigious Pritzker School of Medicine at age 12 and at age 21became the youngest student in the school's history to receive an M.D. He also has aPh.D. in molecular genetics and cell biology, according to the Los Angeles Times.


29. Dylan Jones

The 40 smartest people of all time (13)

Dylan Jones, who has an IQ of 200, graduated at 16 from the Colorado School of Mines where he obtaineda degree in math and computer science and a minor in bioengineering and life sciences, according to Mines Magazine.

A year later, Jones entered theUniversity of Colorado Denver School of Medicine, where he's studying to be a neurosurgeon.

Jones has studiedLatin, French, Spanish, and German. He wants to learn Russian next because "Cyrillic is a different set of characters. I want that extra challenge," he told the Colorado School of Mines Magazine.


28. Edith Stern

The 40 smartest people of all time (14)

The day after Edith Stern was born, her father announced in a press conference that he intended to mold his infant daughter into "the perfect human being,"the Milwaukee Sentinalreported.

By age 5, Edith's father had her read the entire Encyclopedia Britannica. She was in college by age 12, and by 15 she was teaching college-level math classes, according to the Sentinal. She has an IQ of 203.

She has worked at IBM since the 1970s and has been recognized for her many contributionsin applied mathematics.


27. Kim Ung-Yong

The 40 smartest people of all time (15)

Kim Ung-Yongstarted university courses at the age of 3andspoke four languages by age 4. At 8, NASAinvited himto study in the US. HisIQ scores range from 200 to 210 by different measures.

At 16, Kim left NASA to go back to South Korea and earn a doctorate in civil engineering, Business Insider reported.

He now works in a business planning department at Chungbuk Development Corporation.

"People expected me to become a high-ranking official in the government or a big company," Kim told the Korea Heraldin 2010."But I don’t think just because I chose not to become the expected it gives anyone a right to call anyone’s life a failure."


26. Francis Galton

The 40 smartest people of all time (16)

Sir Francis Galton was an English polymathbest known for his research in eugenics and human intelligence. He studied math at Cambridge andhad a keen interest in psychology throughout his life.

According to Thims' estimates, Galton had an IQ of 200.

He's credited with developing the modern weather map andintroducingthe use of fingerprints in police work. He was a cousin of Charles Darwin and became interested in eugenics and evolution after the "Origin of Species" was published in 1859.


25. Marie Curie

The 40 smartest people of all time (17)

Marie Curie was a Polish-born physicist and chemist. She is perhaps best known for her research into radioactivity (a term she coined), which was instrumental in the development of x-rays in surgery. HerIQ scores range from 180-200 by different measures.

Curie was the first woman to win the Nobel Prize, the first person to win it twice — in physics and then in chemistry — and the first woman to teach at the Sorbonne.


24. Thomas Wolsey

The 40 smartest people of all time (18)

Thomas Wolsey was a 16th century English cardinal and statesman who is estimated by Thims to have had an IQ of 200.

He wasHenry VIII's lord chancellor and organized the first meeting between Henry andFrancis I, King of France. By1514 he controlled virtually all matters of state and was extremely powerful within theChurch.

Shortly after he failed to arrange a papal annulment of Henry's marriage to Catherine of Aragon, Wolsey was arrested for treason. He died on his way to trial in 1530.


23. Hugo Grotius

The 40 smartest people of all time (19)

Hugo Grotius was a 17th centuryDutch jurist and scholar best known for his contributions to international law. Thims estimates he had an IQ of 200.

He was appointed attorney generalof the provinces of Holland,Zeeland, and WestFrieslandin 1607 but was exiled to Paris in 1621 after being accused of treason for taking part in a Dutch political struggle.

These violent power struggles in Holland and throughout Europe inspired much of his legalmasterpiece "De Jure Belli ac Pacis"("On the Law of War and Peace").


22. Hypatia

The 40 smartest people of all time (20)

Hypatiaof Alexandria was a 4th century Greek philosopher and the leading mathematician and astronomer of her time.Her estimatedIQ scores range from 170 to 210 by different measures.

Hypatia was frequently targeted and criticized for her Pagan values and for teaching thedecidedly non-Christian philosophy of Neoplatonism.She was killed in the streets of Alexandriaby amob of Christian zealotsin the year 415.

21. Terence Tao

The 40 smartest people of all time (21)

Nicknamed "the Mozart of Math"by his colleagues, Tao was a child prodigy who now teaches mathematics at UCLA. HisIQ scores range from 211 to 230 by different measures.

Hejoined the faculty shortly after earning his doctorate fom Princeton at 21 andwas a tenured professor by the age of 24.

He has become well known for his contributions to number theory and harmonic analysis. He was awarded$3 million earlier this year after he and four otherswon the new Breakthrough Prize in Mathematics,theLos Angeles Timesreported.


20. John Stuart Mill

The 40 smartest people of all time (22)

John Stuart Mill was a 19th century political philosopher and member of the British parliament. As a student of philosopher Jeremy Bentham, Mill championedutilitarianism and criticized unlimited state control.His estimatedIQ scores range from 180-200 by different measures.

His 1859 essay "On Liberty," in which he argues that liberty is a fundamental human right, sparked controversy in its unequivocal endorsem*nt of individuality and freedom of speech.


19. Christopher Hirata

The 40 smartest people of all time (23)

Child prodigy-turned-astrophysicist Christopher Hirata, who has an IQ of 225, gained fame at age 13by becoming the youngest winner at the 1996 International Physics Olympiad. One year later, heentered the California Institute of Technology.

By age 16 he was working with NASA on a projectinvestigating the colonization of Mars, and at 22 he received his PhD in physics from Princeton.

He is aprofessor of physics and astronomy at Ohio State University.


18. Emanuel Swedenborg

The 40 smartest people of all time (24)

Emanuel Swedenborg was an 18th century scientist and theologian. His estimatedIQ scores range from 165 to 210 by different measures.

Renowned most of his life for his contributions to the natural sciences, Swedenborg had a spiritual awakening in his 50s and published what is now his most famous work — a description of the afterlife called "Heaven and Hell."

Highly regarded after his death by philosophers and mystics, Swedenborg claimed he could visit heaven and hell at willand that his ideas about spirituality, God, and Christ came to him in dreams and visions.


17. Ettore Majorana

The 40 smartest people of all time (25)

Ettore Majorana was an Italian theoretical physicist who studied neutrino masses, electrically neutral subatomic particles that are created in nuclear reactions.His IQ scores range from 183 to 200 by different measures.

He became a fullprofessoroftheoretical physicsat theUniversity of Naplesone year before his mysterious disappearance during a boat trip from Palermo to Naples. His body was never found.

TheMajorana equationandMajorana fermionsare named after him, and in 2006, theMajorana Prizein theoretical physics was established in his memory.


16. Voltaire

The 40 smartest people of all time (26)

Francois Marie Arouet, better known by his pen name Voltaire, was born in Paris in 1694. His estimatedIQ scores range from 190 to 200 by different measures.

He was one of France's greatest writers and philosophers, known for his satirical genius and biting criticism of his country's noblemen.

Throughout his life, Voltaire vigorously defended the distinction between natural science and philosophy. Many of his critical writings were directed against established philosophers such asLeibniz, Malebranche, and Descartes, according to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.


15. William Shakespeare

The 40 smartest people of all time (27)

Often referred to as England's national poet and the "Bard of Avon," William Shakespeare had an estimated IQ of 210 and is widely regarded as the greatest English-speaking writer and dramatist to have ever lived.

Born in 1564 in Stratford-Upon-Avon, England, Shakespeareearned a living as an actor and a playwright in London. By1597, 15 of his plays had been published, including "Richard II," "Henry VI,"and "Much Ado About Nothing."


14. Nikola Tesla

The 40 smartest people of all time (28)

Born during a lightning storm in 1856, Nikola Tesla went on to invent the Tesla coil and alternating current machinery. His estimatedIQ scores range from 160 to 310 by different measures.He had an intense rivalry with Thomas Edison throughout his life, and many of his projects were funded by JPMorgan, who would later become his business partner.

In 1900, Morgan invested $150,000 in Tesla'sWardenclyffe Tower — atransatlantic wireless communication system that Tesla never completed. The Serbian physicist died penniless in a New York City hotel room in 1943.


13. Leonhard Euler

The 40 smartest people of all time (29)

Leonhard Euler was a Swiss mathematician and physicist. Born in 1707 and educated in Basel,Euler spent most of his career in St. Petersburg and Berlin. His estimatedIQ scores range from 180 to 200 by different measures.

Euler was one of the founders of pure mathematics and further developed the study of integral calculus. Heauthored "Introductio in Analysin Infinitorum,"and hiscomplete works fill about 90 volumes. He had a legendary memory andcouldrecite the entire "Aeneid"word-for-word.


12. Galileo Galilei

The 40 smartest people of all time (30)

Galileo was anItalian natural philosopher, astronomer, and mathematician born in 1564 who developed such scientific concepts as circularinertiaandthe law of falling bodies.His estimatedIQ scores range from 180 to 200 by different measures.

His discoveries with the Telescope undermined Aristotelian cosmology, particularly his findings thatVenusgoes through phases just as the Moon does and that Jupiter has four moons orbiting around it.

Towards the end of his life, the Church denounced him as a heretic due to his advocacy of Copernicus' heliocentric model of the universe.


11. Carl Gauss

The 40 smartest people of all time (31)

Considered to be the greatest German mathematician of the 19th century, Carl Gauss was a child prodigy who went on to contribute extensively to the fields ofnumber theory, algebra, statistics, and analysis.His estimatedIQ scores range from 250 to 300 by different measures.

His writings were particularly influential in the study of electromagnetism. He refused to publish anything until it was absolutely perfect.


10. Thomas Young

The 40 smartest people of all time (32)

Thomas Youngwas an English physician and physicistwhose contributions to the fields of vision, light, physiology, and language led to many important discoveries in optics and human anatomy.His estimatedIQ scores range from 185 to 200 by different measures.

He was also an Egyptologist who helped decipher theRosetta Stone.

One of his most important discoveries wasthat the lens of the human eye changes shape to focus on objects at different distances, which ultimately led him to determine the cause ofastigmatism. He was also the first to postulate how the eye perceives colors.


9. William Sidis

The 40 smartest people of all time (33)

William Sidis (the inspiration for the film "Good Will Hunting") was an Americanchild prodigywhose IQ scores range from 200 to 300 by different measures.By the age of 2,Sidis was reading The New York Times and typing out letters on a typewriter – in both English and French.

He was accepted to Harvard at the age of 9, but the university wouldn't let him attend due to his "emotional immaturity." He attended Tufts instead, until Harvard finally let him in when he turned 11.

Reporters followed him everywhere, and he eventually became a recluse, moving from city to city under different names, to avoid the spotlight. He died at the age of 46 from a massive stroke.


8. Gottfried Leibniz

The 40 smartest people of all time (34)

Gottfried Leibniz was a German philosopher and logician who is perhaps best well known for inventingdifferential and integral calculus.His estimatedIQ scores range from 182 to 205 by different measures.

In 1676, Leibniz founded a new formulation of the laws of motion known as dynamics,substitutingkinetic energyfor the conservation of movement.

His contributed extensively to the philosophy of language with his work onnecessary and contingent truths, possible worlds, and the principle of sufficient reason.


7. Nicolaus Copernicus

The 40 smartest people of all time (35)

Copernicus was a Polish mathematician and astronomer whose discoveryof the heliocentric model of the universe — in which the sun and not the earth is the center of our solar system — revolutionized the study of the cosmos.His estimatedIQ scores range from 160 to 200 by different measures.

His book, "De Revolutionibus OrbiumCoelestium,"was bannedby the Church after he died in 1543. The book remained on the list of forbidden reading material for nearly three centuries thereafter.


6. Rudolf Clausius

The 40 smartest people of all time (36)

RudolfClausiuswas a German physicist and mathematician best known for formulatingthesecond law of thermodynamics. His estimatedIQ scores range from 190 to 205 by different measures.

Clausius made thermodynamicsascience, coined the term "entropy," and developedthe kinetic theory of gases.

He was also one of the first scientists to suggest that molecules are made up of continually interchanging atoms, which later provided the basis for the theory ofelectrolytic dissociation(thebreakdown of molecules into charged atoms or ions).


5. James Maxwell

The 40 smartest people of all time (37)

James Maxwell was aScottish mathematical physicist who is best known for formulatingthe classical theory ofelectromagnetic radiation. His estimatedIQ scores range from 190 to 205 by different measures.

Maxwell is credited with laying the foundations for quantum theory and waswas revered by many, including Einstein. When Einstein was asked if he had stood on the shoulders of Newton, he replied: “No, I stand on Maxwell’s shoulders.”


4. Isaac Newton

The 40 smartest people of all time (38)

Most famous for his law of gravitation, English physicist and mathematician Sir Isaac Newtonwas instrumental in the scientific revolution of the 17th century.His estimatedIQ scores range from 190 to 200 by different measures.

He wrote "Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica,"widely believed to bethe most influential book on physics and possibly all of science. Although some of his assumptions were eventually proven wrong, Newton'suniversal principles of gravityhad no parallels in science at the time.


3. Leonardo da Vinci

The 40 smartest people of all time (39)

A painter, sculptor, architect, musician, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer,botanist, and writer,Leonardo da Vinci was perhaps the most diversely talented person to have ever lived.His estimatedIQ scores range from 180 to 220 by different measures.

He's one of the most celebrated painters in history, revered for his technological innovations such as flying machines, anarmoured vehicle,concentrated solar power, and adding machines. Da Vinci was a chronic procrastinator, though, and few of his designs were ever realized during his lifetime.


2. Albert Einstein

The 40 smartest people of all time (40)

Albert Einstein was a German-born theoretical physicist and philosopher of science whose estimated IQ scores range from 205 to 225 by different measures.He is best knownfor his mass–energy equivalence formula E=mc2which has been called the world's most famous equation.

Einstein articulated the principle of relativity and attempted to disprove quantum theory until he died in 1955 at the age of 76.


1. Johann Goethe

The 40 smartest people of all time (41)

Considered by Einstein to be "the last man in the world to know everything," Goethe was a German polymath who founded the science of human chemistry and developed one of the earliest known theories of evolution.His estimatedIQ scores range from 210 to 225 by different measures.

He's considered one of the greatest figures in Western literature: his 1808 poetic drama,"Faust,"is still widely read and studied today.


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