Do rich people use ETFs? (2025)

Do rich people use ETFs?

“When you're ultra wealthy you do have access to some unique investment opportunities, but the vast majority of ultra wealthy people's portfolios consist of index funds, ETFs, and mutual funds, and maybe some sector funds,” she says.

(Investing Simplified - Professor G)
Has anyone got rich from ETFs?

If you're aiming for a colossal financial status, say, hundreds of millions or even billions, or if you fancy being on the rich lists, then the likelihood of reaching such heights solely through ETFs or share market investments is quite low.

(Video) What Dave Ramsey Doesn't Like About Investing In ETFs
(The Ramsey Show Highlights)
Does Warren Buffett use ETFs?

Most of Warren Buffett's portfolio through his holding company Berkshire Hathaway is comprised of individual stocks. He does own two ETFs, though, both of which are S&P 500 ETFs: the Vanguard S&P 500 ETF (VOO 1.03%) and the SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust (SPY 1.05%).

(Video) I made $100,000 avoiding this common ETF investing mistake
(Investing Simplified - Professor G)
Are ETFs a good way to build wealth?

For most individual investors, ETFs represent an ideal type of asset with which to build a diversified portfolio. In addition, ETFs tend to have much lower expense ratios compared to actively managed funds, can be more tax-efficient, and offer the option to immediately reinvest dividends.

(Video) Using the NEW (better) 3 ETF Portfolio to get VERY RICH
(Investing Simplified - Professor G)
Can you retire a millionaire with ETFs alone?

Investing in the stock market is one of the most effective ways to generate long-term wealth, and you don't need to be an experienced investor to make a lot of money. In fact, it's possible to retire a millionaire with next to no effort through exchange-traded funds (ETFs).

(Video) Can you get rich from ETFs? | Why should you invest in ETFs?
(Chris Brycki, Stockspot)
What if I invested $1000 in S&P 500 10 years ago?

According to our calculations, a $1000 investment made in February 2014 would be worth $5,971.20, or a gain of 497.12%, as of February 5, 2024, and this return excludes dividends but includes price increases. Compare this to the S&P 500's rally of 178.17% and gold's return of 55.50% over the same time frame.

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(Toby Newbatt)
What does Warren Buffett think of ETFs?

The legendary investor doesn't just pick individual stocks -- he also likes some exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Buffett really likes one ETF, in particular. But there's an ETF that's just as good and could help you retire as a millionaire.

(The Rich Dad Channel)
What is the 90 10 rule Buffett?

The 90/10 strategy calls for allocating 90% of your investment capital to low-cost S&P 500 index funds and the remaining 10% to short-term government bonds. Warren Buffett described the strategy in a 2013 letter to his company's shareholders.

(Earn Your Leisure)
Is Berkshire Hathaway better than ETF?

Warren Buffett is highly regarded for his ability to consistently beat the benchmark S&P 500. Berkshire Hathaway's investing profile has dramatically changed since the turn of the century, however. As a result, growth investors will likely be better served owning this low-cost indexed Vanguard ETF.

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(We, The Khmers!)
Which ETF does Buffett own?

SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust

This ETF is by far the largest holding in Buffett's secret portfolio. The SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust, as its name hints, tracks the S&P 500. This ETF owns positions in all 500 companies in the index, which translates to over 500 stocks because some of the members trade under multiple tickers.

(Video) CONFIRMED: Best 3 ETF Portfolio for OVERALL PROFIT
(Investing Simplified - Professor G)

What is the downside to an ETF?

Lack of liquidity

An investor may have difficulties selling when the ETF is thinly traded, which means it trades at low volume and often high volatility. This can be seen in the difference between what an investor will pay for an ETF (the bid) and the price it can be sold for (the ask).

(Video) How To Invest in ETFs | Ultimate Guide
(Joshua Mayo)
Can an ETF go bust?

ETFs may close due to lack of investor interest or poor returns. For investors, the easiest way to exit an ETF investment is to sell it on the open market. Liquidation of ETFs is strictly regulated; when an ETF closes, any remaining shareholders will receive a payout based on what they had invested in the ETF.

Do rich people use ETFs? (2025)
Should you put all your money in ETFs?

You expose your portfolio to much higher risk with sector ETFs, so you should use them sparingly, but investing 5% to 10% of your total portfolio assets may be appropriate. If you want to be highly conservative, don't use these at all.

Can you live off of $500,000 invested?

Yes, it is possible to retire comfortably on $500k. This amount allows for an annual withdrawal of $20,000 from the age of 60 to 85, covering 25 years. If $20,000 a year, or $1,667 a month, meets your lifestyle needs, then $500k is enough for your retirement.

Why no ETFs in 401k?

They are less popular in 401(k)s due to the traditional prevalence of mutual funds, which are more familiar to participants and have several benefits. ETFs' intraday trading capability can encourage excessive trading behavior and market timing, which plan sponsors aim to deter.

Is it smart to only invest in ETFs?

Bottom line. ETFs make a great pick for many investors who are starting out as well as for those who simply don't want to do all the legwork required to own individual stocks. Though it's possible to find the big winners among individual stocks, you have strong odds of doing well consistently with ETFs.

How much is $10,000 invested in Tesla 10 years ago?

If you invested $10,000 with founder Elon Musk 10 years ago, your stake would be worth $2.1 million now. That works out to a more than 70% average annual return. The same $10,000 put into the S&P 500 during that time grew just 274% to $37,376. That's just 14% compounded annually.

How much would $10000 invested in the S&P 500 in 1980 be worth today?

It tracked a hypothetical $10,000 investment in the S&P 500 stock index made on Jan 1, 1980 through the end of 2022. If the money was left untouched, the $10,000 invested in 1980 was worth $1.26 million at the end of 2022.

What if I invested $1,000 in Coca Cola 10 years ago?

If you invested in the company 10 years ago, that decision could have paid off. According to CNBC calculations, a $1,000 investment in Coca-Cola in 2009 would be worth more than $2,800 as of Feb. 15, 2019.

Why does Dave Ramsey not like ETFs?

Constantly Trading

One of the biggest reasons Ramsey cautions investors about ETFs is that they are so easy to move in and out of. Unlike traditional mutual funds, which can only be bought or sold once per day, you can buy or sell an ETF on the open market just like an individual stock at any time the market is open.

What is Warren Buffett's favorite way to invest?

He looks at each company as a whole so he chooses stocks based solely on their overall potential as a company. Buffett doesn't seek capital gain by holding these stocks as a long-term play. He wants ownership in quality companies that are extremely capable of generating earnings.

What ETF makes the most money?

100 Highest 5 Year ETF Returns
SymbolName5-Year Return
PKBInvesco Building & Construction ETF19.23%
SCHGSchwab U.S. Large-Cap Growth ETF18.96%
QTECFirst Trust NASDAQ-100 Technology Sector Index Fund18.91%
PAVEGlobal X US Infrastructure Development ETF18.89%
93 more rows

What is Warren Buffett's golden rule?

Warren Buffett once said, “The first rule of an investment is don't lose [money]. And the second rule of an investment is don't forget the first rule. And that's all the rules there are.”

What is the rule of 69 in investing?

It's used to calculate the doubling time or growth rate of investment or business metrics. This helps accountants to predict how long it will take for a value to double. The rule of 69 is simple: divide 69 by the growth rate percentage. It will then tell you how many periods it'll take for the value to double.

What is Warren Buffett 70 30 rule?

The 70/30 rule is a guideline for managing money that says you should invest 70% of your money and save 30%. This rule is also known as the Warren Buffett Rule of Budgeting, and it's a good way to keep your finances in order.


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Author: Jonah Leffler

Last Updated: 02/25/2025

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